Base Docker


Soon to be named something else?

A local dev environment for working on one or more Empathy apps. (See

For macOS/Linux workstations you must have Docker and Ansible installed on your local machine, however if you are on Windows, read the Windows instructions before reading the rest of this README, beginning at the "Usage" section.


Now distributed under an MIT license. See LICENSE.

Getting starting

Create a /etc/hosts file entry for   localhost

Initialise virtualenv within root directory of base-docker on your machine. (E.g. for macOS):

brew install virtualenv
virtualenv ./python


Initialise config on new machine:
cd ansible
ansible-playbook ../init.yml

(Creates settings file in ~/.config)

Switch project:
cd ansible
ansible-playbook ../main.yml -e "op=switch cb=a.ce"

In the above example the project found in ~/code/a.ce will be set as active.

Boot current project:
cd ansible
ansible-playbook ../main.yml -e "op=boot"
Quick-start commands

Boostrap Empathy projects giving target extension template name. Template default is "vanilla" for base empathy app with no extensions, (when no argument is provided).

Others available are "elib-base", "elib-acl" and "elib-blog".

The playbook will fail if codebase path already exists.

cd ansible
ansible-playbook ../main.yml -e "op=qs cb=myproject tpl=elib-base"


The default app container has apcu cache enabled for reading config.yml files and dependency injection services.php definition files.

Restart the app container after making changes to these files.

docker stop app
docker start app

Ansible my have trouble connecting to Docker Desktop on macOS when running docker tasks. If this happens run this command:

sudo ln -s "$HOME/.docker/run/docker.sock" /var/run/docker.sock